Hola :)

Ana here.

I'm lots of things, like every human being. I'm a woman in her thirties. A Spaniard from the North-West that has lived in Galicia, Barcelona, Berlin and now lives in Madrid. An extremely organized storyteller and communicator. A vegetarian (almost vegan, getting there). An arts&crafts person.

I'm a Comms professional. Always a planner. Often a comms designer. I build the basis in terms of brand and reputation and make sure that the brand development is consistent at every stage.

I'm often the cool head in a burning room: really chilled, mega organized but also curious and passionate. That person that mediates to move forward with the brand goal in mind. That person that knows when to put a full stop. Period.

Always ideating, crafting and developing brand narratives and stories for a more inclusive, sustainable, helpful and enjoyable world 🌍 💚

I use stories and communication to awaken thoughts, shape perceptions and start conversations. I build relevance from empathy and mixing logic with creativity.

I lead projects and teams to make sure that this relevance is, apart from an exciting opportunity, a reality in short, mid and long term. And I truly enjoy a good plan.

What I've been up to until now, from the very start

Santiago (2009 - 2013) & Barcelona (2014)

I graduated in Journalism to find answers and tell stories, and later complemented it with a Design and Communications Master's degree to shape ideas and understand perceptions.

Barcelona (2014 - 2018)

I took my first professional steps at a boutique digital advertising agency as Graphic Designer and Account Manager. Later, I continued growing at Good Rebels, an international agency as Digital Planner.

Berlin (2018 - 2021)

I launched the fintech N26 in Spain as Marketing, Branding and Comms Lead for the market. I was there during the hypergrowth stage, meaning that we kept iterating and considering new activations for the brand. Then I spent some months at Grover, a tech-renting startup as Global Brand Manager.

Madrid (2021 - 2022)

I came back to Spain to join Soluble, a branding studio that relies on tech (and whatever is needed) to build active brands. I joined as Brand Activation Manager and contributed to the Studio Operations as well. I spent one nice year with them and decided to move on.

Then, I had my first experience inside the Third Sector: I joined the NGO ProVeg International to manage their communications channels for Spain with a part-time contract. I was part of the team for six months, and then decided to go 100 % freelance. 

Madrid (2022 - today)

Now I'm a freelancer, supporting brands in their communications, branding and content needs. I've finished my Masters in Social Intervention and I work closely with different NGO and social companies to keep contributing to social and sustainability projects.

Commercial communications, branding, creative production, advertising, content design, product marketing, corporate comms... I've been exploring all these different perspectives in different environments (and of course with different challenges). I'm a generalist, but have always kept communication and content at the core.

I work on all things communications. Now exclusively for ecosocial progress.

Right now I'm working on...

Comms consultancy and content planning

Writing for health and social impact brands

Graphic Design for social organisations

Content writing and localization for different scaleups

Brand consultancy for a health research project

Speech consultancy and slide design

Contributing to a Social Impact Comms agency

Volunteering at a couple of NGO

Collaborating with Impact Hub Madrid

Being a person. Living. Breathing. Socializing. Still being a person.

This is what I'm looking for

I seek balance. I'm looking for chances to keep aligning my personal priorities, way of living and principles with my professional contribution. As an individual and citizen I strive to contribute to projects and companies I believe in, specially when it's not easy. And often it's definitely not easy.

Stories have great power for social change. I want to be part of a team that shares a mission to keep building a society that is more responsible, empathetic, sustainable in all its meaning and solidly fair. Sounds somehow utopian, but I choose to believe that, one step at a time and together, we can improve our today and tomorrow. That it starts with small choices. And this is what made me choose to invest time and energy on the Third Sector and social organizations.

Some brands I've been working with -as a freelancer- since 2022:

Reach out if you think we can collaborate or you want to get to know me better. 

and I'll be happy to talk via email as well: 


I live in Madrid and I'm also open to remote opportunities, or even occasional traveling. 

Gracias 🙂 👋